The Power of AI Generated Songs in Personalization

by David No

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are always on the lookout for fresh ways to use AI to better engage with their customers. Spotify, for example, released a new way for listeners to engage with their music.  Its AI powered DJ learns your preferences, curates your songs into original playlists and uses generative AI to give you insights into the music, artists and genres you're listening to.

Companies who create personalized experiences increase customer loyalty and generate more revenue.  In a 2018 survey, 80% of consumers said they would rather do business with companies that provide a personalized experience and 90% of respondents said that personalization is very appealing.  Those that find personalization appealing are likely to be a brand’s most valuable customer, making more than 15 transactions per year. Personalizing the user experience increases revenue for a brand.

“While the applications of today are novel, the reality is that personalization is nothing new,” says Shashi Shashidhar.  Shashi is CEO and Co-founder of RIFFIT, a technology company that seeks to democratize the creation of songs using generative AI.  “Personalized products and packaging in CPG has been around since the mid-20th century. CPG companies offered customized packaging solutions for retailers. In the early days of the internet, personalization involved custom web layouts, custom email signatures, etc. With the advent of big data and machine learning, we now create highly personalized experiences across all industries.  What’s changed is not the concept of personalizing products, but the technology that supports it.”  

The Next Wave of Personalization

The advances in technology have improved the ability of businesses to personalize their products for their customers.  Forty years ago, personalization meant faster service. When business processes were digitized, the speed at which companies could deliver service also increased.  In the early 2000s, as IT support systems became more digitized, personalization enabled a better user experience.  For example, ecommerce websites could build around a customer's digitized profile and add new features like recommendations based on purchase or viewing history.  As we enter the third wave of digital transformation, companies will open access to their APIs and satisfy the needs of their customers directly.  Personalization will be less about optimizing the user experience and more about ‘co-creating’ the user experience with their customers.

Generative AI’s Impact on Personalization

The advent of AI has made it possible to ‘co-create’ content from an individual’s input, creating a paradigm shift in personalization.  No other company has demonstrated this better than OpenAI and their flagship product, Chat-GPT.  But what exactly is Chat-GPT?  It’s whatever the user wants it to be.  It can be a content creator, a resume writer, a therapist, a coach, or even a girlfriend.  Chat-GPT isn’t the product, more like a means to ‘co-create’ products with their users.  

Coca-Cola used ‘co-creation’ in a creative ad campaign where visitors to their microsite could use Dall-E image creator to make their own personalized Coke themed cards that they could send to their friends and family. Co-creating personalized content at this scale was impossible due to the limits of technology at the time, but is now possible.

Co-creation is also making its way into song creation.  RIFFIT enables anyone to create unique, personalized songs in real-time with just a few clicks.  Its Song API is revolutionizing the way enterprises can connect with their audience through the power of AI-generated songs.  “What we are doing for the creative, marketing and advertising industry is similar to what the smartphone camera did for the photography industry.  In the past, only a few people could take quality photos because they owned a professional camera and the right equipment.  Now anyone can take professional quality pictures if they own a smartphone. Smartphones democratized photography. Similarly, we want to democratize the creation of songs for everyone through our products.”

The Power of Personalization

RIFFIT’s platform allows anyone to create a personalized song in real-time with just a few clicks. This capability opens up opportunities for businesses to tap into this new form of co-creation with their customers.  Imagine a retail brand that creates personalized songs for customers based on their shopping history, or an educational platform that uses customized songs to make learning more engaging and memorable. “We are giving brands the ability to let their customers personalize what they’re creating and share it with others,” says Shashi.  “The possibilities are endless.”  RIFFIT helped Cadbury Celebrations in one of their creative ad campaigns.  In this campaign, users could visit Cadbury’s microsite, create a personalized song and send it to someone along with a bar of chocolate on their birthday.  “That added personalization makes it special and enhances the user experience.  People remember it and go back for more.”

Enhancing User Experience with RIFFIT’s Song API

Integrating RIFFIT’s Song API into an enterprise's digital offerings can significantly enhance the user experience. For instance, a social media platform could offer users the ability to generate songs from their posts or captions, adding a new dimension to online expression. Similarly, a health and wellness app could use the API to create soothing or motivational songs tailored to users' preferences, enhancing the therapeutic benefits of music.  “We first built this text-to-song engine based on the research that showed that music and song can significantly increase comprehension, attention and concentration in the neurodiverse population.  We wanted to help thispopulation to better understand and comprehend text and have a better attention span,” Shashi remarks. “Now advertising and marketing agencies want to use our text-to-song engine to engage with their audience in a whole new way and create customized, personalized songs.”

Success Stories and Applications

RIFFIT’s technology has already shown promising results in various applications. Pilot studies with dyslexic students have demonstrated measurable improvements in reading comprehension, highlighting the potential of RIFFIT’s technology in educational settings. Toblerone used RIFFIT’s Song API to create their own Valentine’s themed campaign where users typed in just a few words to create a Valentine’s song and share it with their loved ones.   

The Future of AI-Generated Content

The integration of AI-generated songs into business offerings is not just about novelty; it's about creating deeper, more meaningful connections with customers, employees and partners. As RIFFIT continues to refine and expand its technology, the potential applications will only grow. From marketing and education to entertainment and therapy, AI-generated songs represent a new frontier in personalized user engagement.

RIFFIT’s Song API is at the forefront of leveraging AI to create unique, engaging experiences for customers. But Shashi advises companies not to use AI for the sake of using AI as a buzzword.  “Enterprise brands need to work with AI partners to generate the right kind of content that they’re looking for so it’s personalized and feels human to the end user.”  By integrating this technology, enterprises can set themselves apart in a crowded digital marketplace, but not at the cost of authentic user engagement.  “Ultimately, we want to generate something that feels like it was created by a human,” says Shashi. As we look to the future, the power of AI-generated songs in elevating user experiences is undeniable, and RIFFIT is leading the way in unlocking this potential. 

For businesses looking to explore the possibilities of AI-generated songs, RIFFIT offers a compelling solution with its innovative platform and Song API. Whether it's to enhance social media content, improve learning outcomes, or simply create more engaging digital experiences, RIFFIT’s technology opens up a world of possibilities for elevating user engagement through the universal language of music.

Interested in learning more? Contact us.


The Future of Advertising with RIFFIT's Song API